Levers Recenzje App

I don’t really care to see

Adelyn is the only thing that didn’t really love it and she was so saddened

It makes no sense.

I tried it and I have no ldea what it means. I don’t know what else To say.

A simple, meditative game!

Levers is a really relaxing- but also mildly challenging- app for people of all ages. It’s a good mind exercise and the sound effects and design are really nice. All in all a classic- you should get levers if you need some chill gameplay.

Awesome game

I just say it’s the best game

Brilliant Visual Masterpiece

It's amazing how the majority of people who have reviewed this Vectorpark installment are completely oblivious to the fact that the intended dynamic of this is 90% ✨💠☀️ART💫🌀✨ and 10% simple-logical gameplay that crosses all languages and cultures, due to be it's instantly understandable objective that requires no directions...even for a 5 year old. Everyone's bellyaching that "there are no hints", or "directions or a help file". They're completely missing the magic of this "Forget About Everything" work of interactive art.

Good game

It is a well made and fun game but if you get stuck it gets boring it would be nice to have some hints !

It okay...

It's good just well it is boring. After you play for a while it's like really boring. Also it's really frustrating.

Levers is great!

Levers is a fun game where you balance various odd things (snowman, bowling ball) and it's a great, fun, game! I highly recommend it!

I like this game

I like this game

Don't buy it. Period.

Read Title...implies more than one lever...one stupid puzzle? REALLY??!!??


Very whimsical and cute but it definitely needs a reset button!!


There's ONE level. You solve it and you're done. And it's not even fun. Genius... You failed me.


It is okay kinda weird at first:)

Reset option please

Such a cool game to play, but then you need to delete and reinstall it in order to show your friends.

Pretty good

It needs a RESET BUTTON please❕it's 👌just that I want that stupid snowman gone thanx very much!!! Peace!

Good but not perfect

Listen I really like the game it's very challenging and very an interesting game I could have gave it 5 stars but the only thing that. Made me give up one star are the birds they are the reason you keep loosing this game and that's really frustrating me I get really mad that in the last seconds the birds decide to move from one place to the other place. Thats how it is and it's now so not worth 0.99$ When I got this it was free but when I decided to instal it again iT was with 0.99 then I had to go though all my purchesd apps to get it free please fix the bird bug I know it's the thing. That makes it challenging but at least stop it from moving at least if we were about to win envy ways good game.and please make it more interesting after playing a while you'll get bord of playing the same thing over and over again that's another reason I took another star please fix this bug


It needs a reset button. Why didn't the developers put one in???


This game stinks. It is impossible and it is not fun.


To hard and not that fun


Fun, challenging. . . is there no way to reset? Pressing the 'I' button on Windosill permits a reset to the start screen.

It rocks!

Great app.I love it!

Beautiful game

I love the vector park games it's art.

Don't know

I don't know what to do u can get to where the octopus is ana then I get mad it's hard to do



Not terrible, but...

I also think it needs a reset button and maybe instructions. Maybe. I mean, they'll figure it out eventually, like me, but still. It's a pretty good game. Worth the 99 cents. Get it!

Audio off option would be nice

I want to play while listening to something else and it would be nice to reset and start a new game although you can just drop everything in the water and reassemble. I guess it would be too easy if you knew the weight of each piece. It makes me laugh!

Pretty fun...

While it lasted! I need more! Cool game, very original idea, but, that was the end???


The title says it all.

A simple classic game

You hang things on hooks, keep it in balance. It gets complex. And it stays quietly exciting and wonderful throughout. Nice to go back to from time to time. It's great.

Better if had insructions

It's hard to figure out what to do but it's not impossible

best app ever

this app is soooooooooo addicting but I hope in the future the make the game longer because i got it last night and finished it this morning other then that i love the logic puzzles that make you think how to make it all balanced to go to the next level if you are thinking of getting it...STOP WAITING ANAD GET IT because its the best addictive pointless game you will find here!

Fun Challenge

It's challenging, and the most interesting aspect of the game is that there are no instructions. You can definitely beat it. And there IS a place to put the giant head. It is up to you to figure out how to make room. The new save option fixes the only problem. It's a good way to keep a friend busy, too.

Cool game

I don't really play this game but when I do I have fun. There is so much going on like the bird house has birds that fly out of it, the water tank is full of water that you can drain it. The bad part is the game only last about 1 minute.

Not worth the money at all

Levers might be pretty good if it was free, but it's not worth paying any money for



More Levels please

Calming and fun, but once you've beat the game... well, there's no need to go back to it.


It's ok it's just annoying when it runs out of things to put on the hook; it super annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %-)

Needs save option!!!

Decent game, but useless without a save option. If you need to take a call, or do anything you have to completely start the game over everytime.


Very cool game. Physics are excellent. After playing on a computer, it's nice to have the added ability to tip the scale in your favor, so to speak.

Really fun

Not too hard. Took me a couple of minutes to beat. Great for a free game.

Fun game

This is a really fun game but once you get the giant head there is no place to put it. I melted the snowman and his hat sank but once I got everything else on the levers above the water it just showed the circle.


This game stinks!!!!!!!!!!!! No instructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unique and fun

This game is very interesting because it doesn't tell you how to play. At first this sounds frustrating, but it's better to find out through experience how to plpay the game. Much of our lives are directions and being walked through how to do so,eating but this game makes us think for ourselves. Good job - keep the games coming!

Just my opinion

Personally I think this game is pretty cool it fits the iPad very well although the birds make it more difficult to play always I like the game and think it's fun but that's just my opinion

We want more!!!

I loved the game play & graphics so much that I didn't put it down til I completed it, I think. We could really benefit from some basic directions... After adding the head at the end, the scale changes to a different color pattern. No additional items dropped & I could find nothing else to manipulate, so I'm assuming that is the end? If so, WE WANT MORE PLZ!!! I particularly enjoyed trying to figure out if/how the items interacted with each other or if an item could be manipulated some way to make it work. It took more thought than I expected -- a pleasant surprise! Love it!!!!!


What to do on this

By sparkle 1009

this game was very needs some work

Snowman and squid

I can't get past the squid grrrrrr but awesomely fun

I love it

Need save!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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